+268 2528 3298

Engineering / Infrastructure

The engineering and technical services department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure within the Malkerns Urban Area. We are also responsible for building control to ensure compliance of all structures to statutes. Infrastructure that is presently managed by the department includes roads, public lighting systems, buildings, small bridges and sports grounds.

Specific Duties and Functions

Deriving from section 55 of the Urban Government Act No.8 of 1969, there are specific duties and functions that our department is expected to discharge. These include:

  • Maintaining and cleansing all public streets and opening spaces vested in the local authority or commuted to its management;
  • Establishment or take over and maintain any public utility service which it is authorised or required to maintain under any law and which is required for the welfare, comfort or convenience of the  public, all subject to availability of resources; and
  • Development, control and management of any land vested in, owned or leased by the local authority.